How will 2022 end for you?

How will 2022 end for you?

On New Year’s Day, I was listening to Lyse Doucet on BBC Radio 4 ask some of the BBC’s top journalists to gaze into their crystal balls and predict what 2022 might have in store.  It was a fascinating insight from some great journalists. What surprised me most...
How can I bring innovation to my business?

How can I bring innovation to my business?

Bringing innovation to the business is one of the hardest things a business leader has to do. Babatope Ipinyomi, of The Change Lead, invited me to be a guest on his ‘Change Lead’ podcast. Our wide-ranging conversation focused on encouraging innovation in business. We...
Spring 2021 Budget at a glance

Spring 2021 Budget at a glance

Key points of the Budget If you have specific questions on the Budget and how it will affect you, your family or business – contact us at The freezing of inheritance tax thresholds and the pensions life time allowances will each...
Should I sign a personal guarantee?

Should I sign a personal guarantee?

Inevitably the answer will be “It all depends…” What is a personal guarantee? When looking for business finance, a company director might well be asked to give a personal guarantee as a condition of a business loan or another source of credit being granted. This...