SME Strategies were approached by the Birmingham Business Post who had come across the financial director and business direction services we provide to our clients.

Seeing our specialism in construction amongst other sectors, we were asked to write a guest article on the housing crisis and SMEs. The large housebuilders simply do not have the capacity to meet our housing needs.

Furthermore, recognising how crucial is the SME sector to the UK economy, accounting for half of our GDP, the Business Post especially wants to support SMEs as Brexit moves forward. As we are already seeing, there will be inevitably be changes and some shocks along the way.

The movement in the exchange rate is already affecting both importers and exporters as well as UK share prices. Brexit also offers enormous opportunities to SMEs in the UK and we at SME Strategies will be working with our clients to meet both the challenges and as importantly to exploit those opportunities that lie ahead.

We are delighted to be working with the Business Post and look forward to developing other initiatives with them.

Read our article on the Birmingham Business Post website here:

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