Having the last laugh… in perfect harmony

Having the last laugh… in perfect harmony

Where do homeless accountants live? In a tax shelter. Welcome to the accounting department, where everybody counts. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. Jokes by accountants are unfairly seen by some as a contradiction in terms given their...
Who follows you?

Who follows you?

‘Followship’ was the unusual title of a talk given by Allan Leighton, (chairman of the Co-op and former chairman of Royal Mail amongst other roles) at a recent business conference. True followship is not about our Twitter account but is the flip side of leadership...
The entrepreneurial spirit

The entrepreneurial spirit

My heart sinks whenever a budding contestant on the X factor or such like seems motivated purely by the desire to become famous. ‘Famous for what?’ is not a relevant question for them – being famous per se is all that counts, not for providing any...